Wednesday, February 27, 2008

a sweet tale of love and sacrifice.... BARF

Victim: Mickey the homophobic bigot

Mickey says: Version 1: I (the protagonist, because this is my blog) decided in January 2004 to go with Courtney to Kentucky when she got a job at a newspaper there as a reporter. Having been completely listless and barely employed since my college graduation two years before, I figured "What the shit? I love her and I've got nothing else going on." So we moved in together two states from our previous Georgia homes.

Bacon Soup says: In this thrilling installment of "What I do when i'm not beating queers with a crowbar," our favorite hate-monger regales us with not one but two versions of how he and his girlfriend Courtney hooked up and ended up in Tennessee. It's a sweet tale of love and sacrifice which conveniently does NOT include the part about how Grand Wizard Mickey and his hood-wearing clansmen abducted an unsuspecting Courtney from the lush beauty of the great state of Kentucky and dragged her, kicking and screaming mind you, to Tennessee. Read it if you want but Bacon Soup thinks it's a cover-up to a more sinister tale we've yet to get to the bottom of.


Meaghan said...

I bet if you read his post backwards, it would say "Satan lives." "I hate queers." and "Racism reigns."

Severo said...

you're RIGHT Meaghan. it does. how perceptive. finally you see the deep hole of black hatred that is Mickey the homophobic bigot or MHB as he is known

Chris said...

I really like the photo illustration. It adds important depth to your argument.

Severo said...

thank you. i knew my investigative journalism background would come in handy to expose Mickey for what he truly is.

Julie said...

Did you actually get a photo without the bunny? I heard that was a rare thing.