Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Laura the Nerd... and other tales of sadness

Victim: Laura D
Laura says: Ha ha Severo! Blogging rocks! I knew you'd see the light

Bacon Soup says: This is EXACTLY why i didn't want to start a blog. because then all my little nerd friends would think i've finally joined their cluster and become a fledgling nerd myself. Laura left this as a comment to my post regarding a recently-released Bob Dylan biopic.

Well let me tell you something, Laura. Blogging does not, as you so enthusiastically proclaimed, ROCK. Who the hell says "Blogging rocks?" If anyone sees Laura D on the streets of Cincinatti (i think that's where she lives) kindly beat her.

my love to all


Anonymous said...

Cincinnati has one "t" --- dweeb.

Love you Severo!

Severo said...

man, you really ARE a loser. who corrects spellings in blogs?