Thursday, November 29, 2007

Victim: Steven (my roomate)
Steven says: i can't believe you waisted your concert debut with the verve "pipe". i just remember pissing you off all the time when you were listening to the verve and i would always refer them to as the verve pipe, haha. i have to take in the concert life through your writting due to the fact i have never participated in concerting. thank you for the vivid picture along with the Bose like description of the accustics given off by each venues architectual structure.

Bacon Soup says: let me preface this by saying that Steven is my roommate and went to school with Mickey. Although steven spells at a 4th grade level and has Mike Tyson's command of grammar, he makes way more money than I do. So i'm fairly bitter and resentful toward him.

Anygay.... here we see that Steven has commented on Mickey's blog - if you know steven at all you'd know how ridiculous it is that he's reading ANYTHING so i was fairly shocked when i saw that he had commented on a blog. I think he's trying to reestablish his bonds of friendship with Mickey, hence the extra effort to read his blog and comment. What i like about the blog is that right out of the block steven gives me something i can work with, writing WAISTED instead of wasted. In sentence three we see where my functionally illiterate roomie has spelled writing with 2 T's and turns the word "concert" into a verb by adding -ing to it. In the final sentence steven doubles up on his effort to nullify conventional spelling with "accustics" and "architectual." Steven's a good guy, but Merriam-Webster he aynt.


Jacob said...

Thanks for adding me, but that's not my name. You forgot a letter. The surname you used is that of my grandmother's first husband who ran off and left her with a baby. She remarried my grandfather who upgraded her with a "t". I'd also prefer to be listed sans surname a la Courtney and Mickey.

And I dig the anthimeria, personally. When used in moderation, it freshens up your writing. I am struggling with the repeated use of writting, although I guess it would be the correct spelling for the present progressive (or present participle) of the noun writ when verbified.

Meaghan said...

First of all, "anygay?" Severo, we talked about this...

Secondly, you misspelled "roommate" and then you reamed your roommate for misspelling words...

Mickey said...

Like you said- it's a wonder the guy's reading anything at all, let alone commenting. And really, despite the imperfect spelling, he does convey his unique perspective (you have to know Steven) quite effectively. Then again, I've been reading my co-worker's blog, so Steven reads like James Joyce to me.