Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mickey the chauvinist bigot .... allegedly

Victim: Mickey D
Blog Title: I have derailed
Mickey says: I had nothing but potato chips for lunch today and let me tell you why: I could have sworn Courtney was making a lunch last night that did not include the leftover pizza, but when I was ready to leave for work this morning and went to get the pizza and put it in my cooler…no pizza! I know! What a bitch, right?! Who needs sliced cheese and pizza? Cheese overload!

Bacon Soup says: Man, Mickey was really searching for blog content today. We see in his latest post that apparently he had to endure eating potato chips today because.... wait for it...... Courtney (his better half) didn't put the leftover pizza in his cooler.

Well Fuck Me! How dare Courtney not make sure your lunch is where it should be before you leave for work? I don't condone domestic violence but this is once instance where i'll look the other way. What the hell does Courtney think, that you (a hardworking guy) can be bothered to prepare your own lunch and make sure it's in your cooler before you go to work? What a bitch!!!


Courtney said...

Despite the fact that you mock my cool and hip vernacular, I must applaud you on this one. Next time you see Mickey, if he has a black eye and a bloody nose, this is why.

Severo said...

of course you know that if i was capable of human emotion i'd love you and my blogs are just me fooling around. but since i haven't known Mickey that long i hope he knows i'm joking. wait... i've known you the exact same amount of time i know mickey. I hope you BOTH know it's all in good fun.

this message will self destruct in ONE minute.

Mickey said...

At last, you seem to be finding your voice. Bring it.

Ryan said...

He has a job?