Monday, December 31, 2007

Man, Bacon Soup is totally famous

Bacon Soup is quickly becoming a household name, everyone. And I have proof. We were mentioned in two different blogs recently.

Chris Marr of Anotherwaytowastetimeonline said in a Dec. 19th post titled Yes, Virginia:

"19. Bacon Soup is going to tear me a new one for this."

Clearly, this author is aware of my Blog and its purpose. And if you read that post you'll see that Marr is apparently on drugs since that post (everything except his insightful mention of Bacon Soup) is utter trash. He rambles incoherently for what appears to be hours and drops Ellen Degeneres in there for some reason. His prediciton of Bacon Soup tearing him a new one was spot on. I'm glad you braced yourself for the impact Mr. Marr. That post was abysmal.

And we're also mentioned by Laura Deaton of World's Best Burger in a Dec. 28th post titled An Observation:

"Our friend Severo, summed up the loss very eloquently on his blog."

I don't know who this Laura Deaton is but she's obviously very perceptive. And she has great taste in blogs. Blog on Ms. Deaton.


Meaghan said...

So where is the "new one" you are going to tear for Chris? You basically just summed up the blog.

Severo said...

i think chris' post being read by the general public is punishment enough for him.