Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The brains behind the bush

If you thought our illustrious president, George W. Bush was a bungling idiot with the intelligence of a moderately trained chimpanzee. You're wrong.

All those 'bushisms' people make fun of are actually well thought-out speeches....


BelgianBlogger said...

LOL, very funny indeed :-))

make the right choice when the elections come ;-))

Severo said...

who are these people who are reading the soup? it's crazy.

Meaghan said...

You are so popular!

Julie said...

I wouldn't exactly call it "reading." It was more like "watching." And I didn't even do that. Sure, I clicked on the link but I closed the video box as soon as I saw the words "Andy Dick."

Severo said...

hey Julie.... why so bitter?