Thursday, January 24, 2008

homophobic prick

Victim: Mickey
Blog Title: So you’re breeding. What does that have to do with me, exactly?
Mickey says: The only good thing, if you want to call it that, was the favorable male-female ratio of approximately 25 to 1. Even when two other guys from this part of the building showed up, it didn't effectively alter that ratio, if you know what I mean. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Needless to say, I barely uttered a word the whole time because girls scare me, especially the procreating type.

Bacon Soup says: In his latest installment of "bitch, bitch, bitch.... Yellowstone, bitch, bitch, Mount McKinley, bitch" Mickey is, i believe, complaining about having to go to a baby shower or something at work. i wasn't really paying attention. Anyway, so halfway through it, he spews the above paragraph, implying that the undesirable ration of way more women to men was not made any better by the arrival of two guys "if you know what i mean."

Oh, i think we know what you mean, clever Mickey. That the men were gay or at the very least effeminate so their arrival was not a respite for you because it was just like having two more women join the group. we get it....... you're an ass.

oh, but he's NOT homophobic, everyone, because he makes sure to add "Not that there's anything wrong with that" after his little comment.



Jacob said...

I just thought that he meant the ratio was so heavily skewed that the two extra penises were scientifically insignificant, but I like your interpretation better.

Mickey, you, sir, are a Nazi.

Meaghan said...

I think Mickey should reconsider the name of his blog! This was frickin' HILARIOUS!

Chris said...

Now we're getting somewhere. Bacon Soup has been legitimately offended. Mickey is in deep dookie.

Mickey said...

Actually, the "not that there's anything wrong with that" line was simply a nod to Seinfeld fans, and I almost didn't include it because of it's homophobic tone (by trying to be overly non-homophobic, of course.)

And the ratio was noted as a good thing. More women equals more, oh you know what. The two other guys are, in fact, homosexual (I thought that was obvious to the reader) and therefore did nothing to upset the balance from my point of view. In fact, I guess they actually increased the possibilities for me. See?

It pains me to be defensive as a result of Severo's reaction, and that's not what I'm doing here. It is the other readers to whom I explain myself. The whole passage was actually tailored to get a reaction out of our Mayan prince. Is it wrong that I do this in many of my posts? Do I win because it works, or does he win because Bacon Soup affects my writing in the first place?

Mickey said...

By the way, this is more like it. Keep the vitriol flowing.

Mickey said...

Oh yeah- Meaghan, what are you talking about?

Severo said...

I think I win because Bacon Soup affects your writing. and because people only defend themselves when your accusations have at least an element of truth. For example.... if i said "i saw courtney blowing a cop in a Shoney's bathroom." Do you think Courtney would say "what? that's a lie Severo. I haven't been to Shoney's in 5 months. Take that back." No. She'd make a joke about it or laugh it off cause she KNOWS it's not true.

But the fact that Mickey felt the need to defend himself only lends credence to my claims of his homophobia. You guys be the judge.

Poor bigot Mickey - Bacon Soup prevails cause now he feels guilty and misunderstood.

I win Mickey. ha ha. You're a loser.

Tribute to Seinfeld... that's rich.

Courtney said...

He wasn't a cop, Severo, he was a firefighter. And what were you doing in the ladies' room at Shoney's? Trying to steal my clientele?

Severo said...

SEE? that's what i'm talking about.

thanks Courtney. you're the best :)

what the hell are you doing with that homophobic bigot Mickey?

Mickey said...

If it were me, I think I'd be more offended by the accusation that I was in Shoney's.

And Severo, you're boring us with the repetitive name calling. That's right, you're boring.

Severo said...

oh no you guys, mickey the homophobic bigot called me boring. my heart is cleft in twain.